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PPM Overview

PPMs are frequency-based work-instances that are carried out to prevent the deterioration and breakdown of an Asset during its lifetime.

Icon Feature Description
Planned Preventative Maintenance - PPMs Create and Edit PPMs.
Additional Information Task Lock Status The Lock status of a PPM will disable certain Users from being able to amend a PPM.
Additional Information Shiftable PPMs and Shiftable Family PPMs Certain Statutory PPMs need to be performed on a regular basis within a time frame. Shiftable PPMs helps to automate this process.
PPM Planner Shows a graphical view of Dormant PPMs - PPMs can be edited in this view.
Issue PPMs Issue PPMs from the Dormant state to Active Tasks.
Historic PPM Issues Shows all Historic PPM Issues and related Tasks.
Planned Maintenance Summary Available from 4.4.8 The Planned Maintenance Summary shows gives a holistic view of all PPMs, including dormant, suspended, active and historic PPM Tasks.